Boost quality control of your company by digitalizing a quality system


With QMClouds, the creation of the quality system goes smoothly and swiftly

With QMClouds, you can create a quality system that follows the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The quality system can be accessed anywhere when you’re using QMClouds. Often the creation of a quality system is considered difficult and time- consuming. We have created QMClouds to make the construction of a quality system smooth and fast without any external experts. Thus, the company saves resources while also realizing the advantages of a quality system.

A tool for the entire staff

All employees can be invited to QMClouds by email. The usage of the quality system requires contribution from the entire team, and therefore, QMClouds is readily available for all company employees. Add new users by an email invite to join the QMClouds quality system tool.

Leave your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible

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QMClouds is modifiable to fit the needs of your company

QMClouds is a quality system that can be modified to meet the needs of your company. Modify document models and data record fields so that they adapt to the usage of your company.

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Report quality incidents

Quality incident reporting can easily be managed by mobile

Incidents related to the quality system can quickly be reported with a mobile phone, and you can add a photo directly from the event to the incident.

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Risks and possibilities

Identify and document risks and possibilities by mobile

The risks and possibilities relating to the ISO 9001:2015 quality system can be identified and logged to QMClouds by mobile.

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ISO 9001:2015

QMClouds utilizes the ISO 9001:2015 standard

You will use the international ISO 9001:2015 standard with QMClouds.

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Quality documents

Find all your company quality documents in one place

Save all quality documents of the system to QMClouds, so they are readily available to the entire staff.

Report your findings icon

Report observations

Log observations easily and swiftly by mobile

Observations pertaining to the quality system can easily be logged with a mobile phone, and a photo may directly be added to the observation.

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Version control

Users can see which documents are approved

Real-time view of all approved and available documents of your quality system.

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Multilingual and international

QMClouds is available in Finnish as well as English

Our quality system software is available in Finnish and English all over the world.

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Why choose the QMClouds quality system tool?

QMClouds is a quality system tool for web and mobile use for companies of all sizes

With the program, you can create a quality system effortlessly and quickly according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. QMClouds has modifiable Word and Excel document models that act as quality system documents. The documents are easy to save as well as open from our program and thus available for the entire company staff.

Why quality management tool
Reporting and recording
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Reporting and logging

With QMClouds, incidents and observations can be reported and logged neatly by a mobile phone

Adding an incident or observation can be done in just 30 seconds. In addition, a photo or video of the event can also be added to the document by using a mobile phone camera.

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Customization and adding users

QMClouds is customizable and modifiable individually for every company

Document models are modifiable, and the fields contained in QMClouds can be edited. The quality system is the responsibility of every employee. Thus, adding users to QMClouds is incredibly easy. Users can be effortlessly invited by email.

Customization and adding users

With QMClouds, you can ensure that all quality documents are approved

All of QMClouds’s documents and data records include an approval path

The approval enables real-time situational information on which documents are approved, sent for approval, and rejected. With an approval process, it is ensured that all documents are confirmed and processed by the acceptor.

Approval of documents made easy and straightforward.

When a quality document, incident, or observation is created, it is chosen to which user the document is sent to be approved. The acceptant will receive a notice to his/her email that they have received a document that needs to be approved. Subsequently, the acceptant logs in to QMClouds, go through the document, and either rejects or approves the document.

If the user rejects the document, it will revert back to the document creator and the creator will receive a notice of such action to his/her email as well as a message of possible feedback.

If the document is approved, the user will instantly receive a notice to his/her email regarding the approval. Subsequently, all users are able to see a green stamp on the document that says” approved”. With the green color, all users can identify all approved documents quickly.

How do I start using QMClouds?

Starting the use of QMClouds is effortless and fast as the software is instantly ready for use, and doesn’t require any implementation projects

Register as a user to QMClouds and start using the quality system tool free of charge and with no obligations. You have 14 days to use QMClouds. After the trial, the subscription automatically ends unless you want to continue the subscription of the software.

Jätä yhteystietosi ja tilaa demotunnukset!

Sininen ympyrä

Signing in

When you sign in to QMClouds for the first time, a short introduction of the program starts, which enables you to start using QMClouds independently.

Sininen ympyrä

Easy to use

QMClouds is a reliable and easy to use program, which is also easy to navigate. According to user feedback, the program is incredibly easy to use.

Sininen ympyrä


We also offer a demonstration of QMClouds via a video conference. If you’d like to book a demo, please get in touch with us, and we will book a time that is suitable for you!

Sininen ympyrä

Customer service

Our customer service will help you with deployment, and you can reach us best by the chat or email.

Download a free quality manual template

Find all your company’s quality documents in one place. In QMClouds, they are easily accessible to all employees.

Do you need a template for your company’s quality manual? Leave your contact details, and we will email you the template.

QMCloudsin laatujärjestelmän muokattavat word ja excel dokumenttipohjat:

Keskeisimmät dokumenttipohjat

  • Laatukäsikirja
  • Prosessikuvaus
  • Johdon katselmuksen menettelyohje
  • Johdon katselmus muistio
  • Muutosten johtamisen menettelyohje
  • Organisaation toimintaympäristön menettelyohje
  • Riskien hallinnan menettelyohje
  • Tallenteiden hallinnan menettelyohje
  • Sisäisen auditoinnin menettelyohje
  • Sisäisen auditoinnin raportti
  • Korjaavien ja ennaltaehkäisevien toimenpiteiden menettelyohje

Täydentävät dokumenttipohjat

  • Hyväksytyt toimittajat lomake
  • Dokumentoidun tiedon menettelyohje
  • Suunnittelun menettelyohje
  • Tarjousten ja tilausten menettelyohje
  • Tunnistettavuuden ja jäljitettävyyden menettelyohje
  • Ulkoistettujen prosessien menettelyohje
  • Säilytyksen ja varastoinnin menettelyohje
  • Ennakoivien huoltojen menettelyohje
  • Roolikuvaukset
  • Poikkeavien tuotteiden valvonnan menettelyohje
  • DocumentTemplatesListItem22
  • Koulutusten menettelyohje
  • Työntekijöiden koulutusmatriisi
  • Henkilöstön koulutustodistus
  • Laitteiden validointi menettelyohje
  • Vastaanoton menettelyohje
  • Lähetysten menettelyohje

QMClouds Oy

QMClouds is a mobile and web-based program for creating, maintaining, and using a quality system for the entire company staff.


  • Korkeakoulunkatu 7, 33720 Tampere
  • VAT ID 2874353-5
  • +358 44 555 5558
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©2024 QMClouds Oy